Monday, May 7, 2012

Falling in Love with your life!

Do you remember what it was like to fall in love?

It’s some of the best times in a person’s life.  

  • You can’t wait until the next time you are with your loved one
  • You can spend hours on the phone talking about almost anything
  • You experience a new vitality and you have heaps of energy
  • You find your new loved one endlessly fascinating – how they do things differently from you, their history, their aspirations, and their quirky habits are all sources of wonderment
  • Inhibitions melt away
  • Life becomes engaging, fun and a great adventure
  • Your normal preponderance to judge, criticize and complain see to have evaporated into thin air and there is a new sense of tolerance and acceptance that previously had not existed at all
  • Life is full of optimism and new possibilities
  • You are open to things that previously we would have pulled away from
  • In short, life is good and you are happy

So how come life is so good when you’re falling in love, and less so the rest of the time?   What is it that makes the difference?

The key is in your heart, or to put it more precisely, the key is that you are willing to engage in life with your heart open.

Our Reactive Self, the collection of beliefs, assumptions and attitudes we have developed over time as to who we are and how the world is, tends to be based in our head.  Whereas the Creative Self, our authentic self, is based more in the Heart.

The Heart is a fascinating organ – so much more than a pump.   It is where who we really are resides.   It is the source of our courage, our passion for life, our love, caring and compassion… indeed all those things that we suddenly can access so richly when our hearts open when we fall in love.

Unfortunately, as we go through life it’s quite normal for our Heart to get wounded along the way, and if we are not careful we will close down access to our heart in self-protection – a wise thing to do when we are around people who may take advantage of an open heart.    However, it’s all too easy to keep that door to our hearts locked shut in self-preservation and the cost is missing out on a life full of heart-felt adventures, warmth and connection.

The great challenge therefore as we continue our lives back into our Creative Self is to learn how to rest back into our hearts, develop a strong and resilient relationship with our heart, so it can still  protect itself when it needs to, but so it can also openly embrace life fully when the threats are not present.

That’s what the purpose of The Compassionate Heart Workshop is all about.  Learning how to reconnect back to the Heart, how to drop back into its warm embrace and to rediscover that when we do, judgement drops away, right/wrong dynamics drop away, acceptance re-asserts itself and all of a sudden we have fallen in love with Life again.

So, if you're looking for a bit more Heart in your Life, wanting to learn more about accessing the heart, meditating with the Heart, letting go of the past, and you're up for falling in love all over again, come and join us on The Compassionate Heart workshop.    Your Heart will never forget it.

The Compassionate Heart Workshop is a Workshop for those wanting more Heart in their lives.   It is facilitated by StJohn and Alexia Miall and being held in Sydney starting on Friday 18th May.   For more information and registrations, click here.


  1. Love this but then it's easy to say that (and not do anything) when I'm 10,000 miles away in London. There's heart here too though!

    1. Plenty of heart everywhere AJK... plus the most important one is always with you of course!
