Friday, September 9, 2011

Wishful thinking?

My good friend Robert Prinable mentioned in his recent blog posting "Knowledge kills Magic!"

Got me thinking.

I've always loved the idea of magic. Loved the idea that there is something quite evolved about crossing the threshold between the actual and the possible. When we wish upon a star we step back into a world that exists separately to the daily grind. Suddenly there is this tiny shaft of light that pierces the day-to-day continuum and reminds us that we are more than just a blob of matter trudging off to work everyday. We're also this glorious shining pool of energy that transcends our skin and can quite literally touch the Divine.

I think I've spent my life looking for those places where the veil between the day-to-day and the Divine was at its thinnest. There are places where the membrane is stretched tight....and if you know how to push against it (oh so gently) then you tumble into this other world where anything is possible. Where everything is utterly OK right now. You are in the right place at the right time and you stop being anxious about the future or regretful about the past.


When I was little it was all about wishing. Throw a coin into a pool of water and make a wish as you hear the satisfying 'plink' noise the coin makes when it pierces the membrane between air and water.

When I started personal growth work it was those moments in a course-room when I was allowed to cry and cry til I had cried enough....and sank into that lovely healing space knowing that the team around me would be there to pick up the tissues.

I noticed it when I gave birth to my two (darling, delicious, divine) children. The veil between life and death was at its tightest at that moment and the experience was so vivid that I can feel a wash of the sacred even as I picture it.

But Robert Prinable's right. As we grow we find it more challenging to pierce that veil. Because grownups don't make wishes. They make plans. Because the astonishing things we accomplish with our left brains (science, technology, bridges, roads...) (...the aquaduct!) rise above us in monolithic proportions.

And I do value what my intellect and my capacity to plan has done for me. I feed my children, I pay my mortgage, I build courses and plan curriculums with my knowledge. And I have built a tangible, measurable body of work where others have spent a lot of time wishing and not quite  enough time getting off their butts and making stuff happen.

So I think I'm up for another upping of the ante on this one. I have upped the ante before...and no doubt I will again...but for now I make this wish:

I wish for more magic. I wish for more experiences of piercing the veil, and more capacity to notice it happening. And I promise to continue to plan and strategise so that I can keep creating places where others can do the same.

Amen : )


  1. How wonderful!

    It's taken me years to allow Hope to exist in my system and now I can entertain magic as well. What delight, what fun.

    Thank you for this gift.

  2. Beautifully said Jo. Beautifully written too...thank you. xx (from the mutual blogging appreciation club)
